sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2007

O fim do mundo?

Holland's Post-Secular Future
Christianity is dead. Long live Christianity!
by Joshua Livestro
01/01/2007, Volume 012, Issue 16

When the "corporate prayer" movement first started in 1996, few people in Holland took any notice. Why should they have done so? After all, Holland's manifest destiny was to become a fully secularized country, in which prayer was considered at best an irrational but harmless pastime. That was then. Cue forward to 2006, when prayer in the workplace is fast becoming a universally accepted phenomenon. More than 100 companies participate. Government ministries, universities, multinational companies like Philips, KLM, and ABN AMRO--all allow groups of employees to organize regular prayer meetings at their premises. Trade unions have even started lobbying the government for recognition of workers' right to prayer in the workplace.

O resto aqui.

Não nos devemos esquecer que o Weekly Standard é uma máquina de propaganda da extrema-direita mais repugnante do mundo e que o seu editor, William Kristol, é um psicopata e um mentiroso compulsivo.

O Weekly Standard passa a vida a avisar-nos de que se não metermos os muçulmanos todos no forno até ao fim da semana - mesmo que para isso seja preciso reconstruir Auschwitz - a Europa vai ser um continente muçulmano no ano 2012.

Mas mesmo assim...

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