quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2007

Sam Harris: «In Defense of Witchcraft»

«Imagine that the year is 1507, and life is difficult.
Imagine being among the tiny percentage of people -- the 5 percent, or 10 percent at most -- who think that a belief in witchcraft is nothing more than a malignant fantasy. Imagine writing a book arguing that magic spells do no real work in the world, that the confessions of bad witches are delusional or coerced, that the claims of good witches are self-serving and unempirical. You argue further that a belief in magic offers false hope of benefits that are best sought elsewhere, like from scientific medicine, and lays the ground for false accusations of imaginary crimes, leading to the misery and death of innocent people. If your name is Sam Harris, you may produce two fatuous volumes entitled The End of Magic and Letter to a Wiccan Nation. Daniel Dennett would then grapple helplessly with the origins of sorcery in his aptly named, Breaking the Spell. Richard Dawkins -- whose bias against witches, warlocks, and even alchemists has long been known -- will follow these books with an arrogant screed entitled, The Witch Delusion. And finally Christopher Hitchens will deliver a poisonous eructation at book-length in The Devil is Not Great.
What sort of criticism would these misguided authors likely encounter?

3 comentários :

João Vasco disse...

Entusiasmado, e mesmo com alguma falta de tempo, ia já traduzir o texto para o DA.

Mas reparei numa falha grave: muitas bruxas não adoravam Satanás (isso é invenção dos cristãos que as perseguiam) e a religião Wiccan não promove o culto a satã, bem pelo contrário: acreditam que se deve fazer o bem.

A bruxaria não é muito diferente do cristianismo, corresponde ao mesmo tipo de superstições e crenças sem fundamento, mas tem pouco a ver com o satanismo.

Ricardo Alves disse...

O que ele usa é a «versão popular» da bruxaria. Dá-lhe mais jeito... ;)

Filipe Brás Almeida disse...
