- «Americans United for Separation of Church and State has hailed a vote by Utah residents, who yesterday rejected a private school voucher plan at the ballot box. Utahns voted 60-40 percent to nullify a sweeping voucher plan passed by the legislature earlier this year. (...) “The American people want to support public schools, not private religious education that teaches dogma, subjects staff to religious qualifications and discriminates in admissions.” (...) “Utahns realized this effort to force vouchers on the state was a plot by ideologues who oppose public education and wisely said they wanted no part of it,” Lynn said. “Residents of the state have no desire to subject their children to a reckless experiment in education.” (...) “Vouchers will not solve the problems we have in some areas of education,” said Lynn. “The people know that, and it’s time to move on and focus on helping public schools in need.”» (Americans United for Separation of Church and State)
Nem sequer num Estado como o Utah, dominado por uma seita cristã conservadora, o «cheque-ensino» consegue impor-se.
1 comentário :
Também podiam ter escrito: "classe média alta vota para manter as classes baixas fora das suas escolas."
As pessoas de classe média & média-alta apercebem-se que as "suas" escolas podem vir a ter alunos do gueto e não querem isso.
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