- «A generation became 'abused out' while the commission sat. The stories were so harrowing and dark that some started speaking of "abuse fatigue", which was code for saying "don't tell us any more" or "let's keep foolin' ourselves" -- or even "tell them they don't want to hear and we might get away with it". (...)
The heart of the story is the immense suffering of children in residential care managed by Catholic orders -- how they were treated as objects by sadists, and how those sadists were effectively protected by the religious orders and by the State's gross failure to challenge them.
The abuse was possible because the orders and the residential homes were run like totalitarian states -- in a State which kept out because of respect for Catholicism and an absence of children's rights. Meanwhile, the orders were answerable only to the Vatican State, where democracy and accountability still don't feature. (...)» (Ler na íntegra.)
É curioso como…
Há 4 horas
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Porque será que estas afirmações surgem quando se trata de referendar, pela segunda vez, um tratado de fundação da União Sovietica do Ocidente?
Hoje o El Pais tinha um artigo excelente sobre a vida sexual do clero católico: porca, hipócrita e violenta. Voltava a referir a responsabilidade de João Paulo II na protecção activa e militante do perigoso pedófilo Marcial Maciel.
União Soviética do Ocidente??
Esta Zeca está cada vez pior...
Entre nada fazer por meia dúzia de indivíduos com problemas de pedofilia ou incentivar, defender e ilibar os que assassinam milhões de crianças (através do aborto)… eu prefiro a primeira hipótese!
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