Obama nomeou Jane Lubchenco (segundo a AP "an Oregon State University professor specializing in overfishing and climate change) para dirigir a NOAA (a NASA dos oceanos), e três cientistas para dirigirem o White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Segundo a AP:
Eric Lander, "who teaches at both MIT and Harvard, founded the Whitehead Institute-MIT Center for Genome Research in 1990, which became part of the Broad Institute in 2003."
John Holdren "is a former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington who has pushed for more urgent action on global warming."
Harold Varmus, "who was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for his research on the causes of cancer, served as NIH director during the Clinton administration."
Nada mau, depois de oito anos a sermos governados por pastores evangélicos, loucos varridos a chefiarem gabinetes políticos e científicos. Lembram-se do Dr. Hager, o chefe da FDA que sodomizava a mulher contra a vontade dela?
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